Friday, January 12, 2007 a most Fraudulent Web Hosting and Domain Company

For past few months you have been noticed about the coupon code and cheap domain registration services in the internet market. Alot of peoples have been registered with this registrar. I also supposed to register a domain name with them and lastly I changed my mind. You all know which company it was. Its REGISTERFLY.COM a Fraudulent Web Hosting and Domain Registration Company.

Just type in the google search engine you can read alot of stories about this company. First we see how many domain names they have been registered for past few weeks from the website Really I am surprised on seeing the trend graphs. Somemore this Registrars is a ICANN Accredited. is an East Coast based Internet Company, we are wholly owned by UnifiedNames, Inc. with the following sites:

Here is a website named where alot of peoples crumble and share their won experience how they have been cheated by this company.

See this forum how made a Credit Card Fraud to this guy. So peoples before you plan to register a domain name make sure that the registarar is reputable one and you can find the information of that particular registrar through search engines and forums. I recommend Godaddy, NameCheap and few more. Dont fall in trap with these kind of registrars when they say "Cheap Domain Name".

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31'

Recently, In our company website We had a tremendous amount of database grow. Due this huge growth of the database we encountered timeouts error on the website.
This is the error that we continually received:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e31'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Timeout expired
updatedata.asp, line 19

I searched in google search engine as well as in yahoo. I found alot of ideas to fix this error. Few suggested to increase the script timeout setting in IIS. But we hosted our website in shared server. So I dropped this idea and tried to find out is there any other soluton for this error.
Then I changed my strategy to search for solutions what I can do in ASP coding. Atlast I found out the solution for this error. I found out that there were two specific settings that would affect an ADO script timeout. Using the Connection Object for ADO, I saw Command Timeout and Connection Timeout. I manipulated my code to look like this:

dim AConn

Set AConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection

AConn.CommandTimeout = 0

AConn.Open "Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={SQL Server};Server=server;Database=database;UID=uid;PWD=pwd;"

The line AConn.CommandTimeout = 0 sets the CommandTimeout strictly for ADO. Setting it to 180 would be three minutes. Setting it to 0 tells it to work to infinity.
I then created my recordset object:
mySQL = "Select * from tblTableName
SET adoRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
adoRS.Open str_Select, myConn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

Finally this setting worked out perfectly and quickly. I hope this one will help others in future.