I am using Windows XP and suddenly I got the error
KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERRORSTOP:0X0000007A (0XC03E12A4,0XC000000E,0XF84A94A1,0X0C08F860) Ntfs.sys - Address F84A94A1 base at F8444000, DateStamp 41107eea
I tried all sort of solutions but cannot get rid of it. So I took a backup of my hard disk and planned to reformat it. I did fresh installion of XP in my Laptop. everything goes normal. After everything finished next day once again I got the same error and totally fed up. So I decided to run the chkdsk to check the hard disk. While running the chkdisk I saw the error saying
File record segment 13304 is unreadable
File record segment 13305 is unreadable
File record segment 13306 is unreadable
File record segment 13307 is unreadable
Then it fixed some files blah blah. Then I googled for this error and finally got the solution saying the hard disk is going to die :(. So no choice man need to change the hard disk and buy a new one.