I’ve been using GMail with the same settings for ages now, and it’s never been a problem until yesterday and today - seems that I can’t connect to the SMTP server on ports 25 nor 465. So I googled and found a solution. I hope this solution will be helpful for those who are all searching for this error.
Please follow the steps below.
Clear SSL Cache for Outlook and Outlook Express
1. Close the e-mail program, Outlook or Outlook Express.
2. Open Internet Explorer. I think you all know how to open Internet Explorer.
3. From the menu bar on top, click Tools, and click Internet Options…
4. This will open the Internet Options settings box.
5. At the top of this box, click Content.
6. In the Content screen, click Clear SSL State.
7. You may now reopen the e-mail program.
I hope it will help you.