Cannot Access CD-ROM and "Code 31" Error Message in Device Manager After You Remove Adaptec Easy CD Creator from Your Computer
After you remove Adaptec Easy CD Creator versions 5.01 and earlier or DirectCD version 3.01 or 3.01c from your computer, your computer may experience the following behavior:
• You are cannot access your CD-ROMs in My Computer.
• In Device Manager, the following error message occurs with all CD-ROM devices connected to your system:
The device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device (Code 31).
• The Device Manager displays the following error code message:
A driver for this device was not required, and has been turned off (Code 32 or Code 31).
NOTE: You may also receive an error code 39 message that indicates that the driver is corrupted.
• The Device Manager displays the following error code message:
Your registry might be corrupted. (Code 19)
This code means that the registry returned an unknown result.
Method One
1. | Remove the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters values completely from the following registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} NOTE: If you are getting a code 39 message, it may be that additional third-party filter drivers were added to UpperFilters and LowerFilters values in addition to Adaptec filter drivers. In that case, you may try to remove the non-Adaptec filter drivers first, leaving the Easy Creator filters in place to see if the Code 39 goes away. If you still receive an error code 39, 32, or 31 message, remove the Upperfilters and Lowerfilters values completely in the preceding key. |
2. | Restart your computer. |
Method Two
If the above method does not resolve the code 31 error message and restore access to your CD-ROMs, if you also have Media Player version 7.0 installed, you can uninstall Media player version 7.0 and download and install the latest release posted at the following Microsoft Web site: :
Fantastic article! It clearly solved my problem... Thanx for it!
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