I’ve been using GMail with the same settings for ages now, and it’s never been a problem until yesterday and today - seems that I can’t connect to the SMTP server on ports 25 nor 465. So I googled and found a solution. I hope this solution will be helpful for those who are all searching for this error.
Please follow the steps below.
Clear SSL Cache for Outlook and Outlook Express
1. Close the e-mail program, Outlook or Outlook Express.
2. Open Internet Explorer. I think you all know how to open Internet Explorer.
3. From the menu bar on top, click Tools, and click Internet Options…
4. This will open the Internet Options settings box.
5. At the top of this box, click Content.
6. In the Content screen, click Clear SSL State.
7. You may now reopen the e-mail program.
I hope it will help you.
Just want to say thank you very much for that post!
Been driving me nuts that outlook would stop sending emails through gmail for no apparent reason.
Thanks, this was driving me nuts too. Seems that Outlook 2002 doesn't like Gmail that much...
Besides doing what you suggested I had to switch the smtp port to 465 (I was using 587 which was working well anyway).
Maybe a hardreboot would have solve the port problem.
Thanks, worked great! First hit in Google on 0×800CCC7D. You have made the world a better place.
Often at work with mails I have problems,on example corrupted mails or other issues,for resolve like conditions some days ago to myself advised-fix my outlook express,it is free as far as I know,and program helps, if you could not prevent an issue and your mailbox is already corrupted,can easily process dbx files and extract messages, when possible,works faster, than other data recovery solutions, but, the speed of its operation also depends on mailbox size and CPU performance,tool helps to solve email corruption issues,will work with the software, that is currently used on your workstation, this tool for fixing Outlook Express is compatible with Windows 2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows 98, Windows Me and all versions of Outlook Express,uses several files with dbx extension to store your mailbox, Sent Items.dbx corresponds to Sent Items folder of your mailbox, therefore you always know, which folder you're fixing Outlook Express right now.
Thanks man - you just save me a lot of time and agony. +1
So,if you has like problem,then I advise-wab file recovery.Tool is free as far as I know,it helped me some times,moreover utility fix Windows Address Book problems and retrieve corrupted contact entries from corrupted files of wa~ and wab format.
Thanks for your article. I was going crazy trying to figure out why this suddenly stoppped working. I have 5 accounts linked to outlook and only one stopped working - strange!
Its now working great again.
Thanks a lot for your guidance. It's realy useful. I love you so much :))
Thank you thank you thank you!
Stil working well: many thanks!!
Still working well: many many thanks.
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